About Me
Hey there! I’m Louise, and I’m absolutely thrilled to have you join us here at Woodland Yoga. It’s my heartfelt wish that through our shared journey, you’ll uncover some of the enchanting wonders that yoga and mindfulness have to offer.
My own venture into yoga began more than two decades ago, sparked by the need to find solace for my weary, worn-out body after long days of physical exertion. Little did I know, yoga held far more than just physical relief. It became my lifeline, rescuing me in moments of need and shaping me into the person I am today.
For much of my life, I battled with crippling shyness and a pervasive sense of inadequacy, settling for less than I deserved. Yet, through yoga, I rediscovered a profound connection to myself—a connection long buried beneath the weight of childhood wounds and suppressed emotions. Slowly but surely, yoga guided me towards healing and ignited a deep passion for life within me.
I have completed over one thousand hours of Yoga and Mindfulness Teacher Training. In 2023 I received a Distinction for my Masters Degree in Mindfulness, within which my thesis explored the wellbeing benefits of connecting with nature.
Now, I won’t claim to have it all figured out—I’m far from perfect. But with yoga in my life, I’ve found a source of healing and transformation that continually guides me through life’s twists and turns. And that’s why I’m driven to share this incredible practice with as many souls as I can.
Yoga has a magical way of revealing hidden doors within ourselves, doors we never even knew existed. It invites us to embrace the present moment, to revel in the beauty and joy that surrounds us each day. So, let me be your companion on this extraordinary journey of transformation. Together, let’s explore the boundless possibilities that await.

My Learning Journey
MSc Studies in Mindfulness, November 2023
50-hour Mindfulness Based Healthy Living Teaching Skills, July 2022
50-hour Mindfulness Based Living Teaching Skills, February 2022
200-hour Learn to Lead Kirtan Training, November 2019
40-hour Children’s Yoga Teacher training, May 2019
30-hour Yin Yoga Teacher Training, March 2019
40-hour Well Woman Yoga Therapy Teacher Training, February 2018
50-hour Yin Yoga Teacher Training, March 2017
90-hour Traditional Thai Yoga Massage, April 2015
500-hour Yoga Teacher Training Diploma, February 2013
Words from my clients